Hey All. This is a post that is definitely a major part sad, with hopefully a bit of silver lining. There’s one big piece of news at the center of it all, so we’re going to lead with that. Here’s from the social media post where we first announced this publicly:
Hey Guys,
Unfortunately, a bit of sad news. Chris aka “St. Christopher the Returned”, “St. Christopher the Redeemed”, & “Wildcard” has let us know that he’s going to be stepping away from the group, effective immediately. We’re all really shocked & surprised by this, but supportive. We’ve all had those moments in life where we just had to step back and put our own house in order, and we’re certainly never going to think badly of anyone for taking care of themselves.
As a lotĀ of us say often in various ways around here: “You gotta’ do you.” Chris has asked us to respect his privacy and leave him be while he works through things, and we intend to honor his wishes. If/when we know any more about this, we’ll pass it on, if it’s appropriate to do so. We wish him nothing but the best in figuring things out and remain here for him if he ever wants to talk or reach out.
As for streaming schedules, we’re not sure yet. This has been an out-of-nowhere surprise so there’s going to be some adjustment. Thursdays remain our awesome board game night – nothing changes there. Tentatively it looks like Shane is going to drop Wednesday streaming and pick up Sunday, and shift from Saturday afternoon to morning in the short term. Long-term, we’ll let all of you know the moment we’ve had a chance to meet and figure things out.
Sorry to be the bearer of sad news. We hope you all are doing well and end up having a great weekend. Send those good thoughts/vibes out Chris’s way – we wish him the best, as well.
Assorted Meeples Official Announcement on Facebook 04/17/2020
Yeah. Sad news and it really was a shock. The suddenness of everything really caught us off guard. This was as unexpected for the rest of us in the group as it was for our followers and subscribers. We loved having St. Christopher as a core member of the group, enjoyed watching his excellent Twitch streams, and or course (and most importantly) he is a close friend of ours. But the posting pretty much covers it.
Whatever is going on, we respect Chris feeling the need to step away and get things together, and we’re going to respect his wishes for privacy while that happens.
We’re all about transparency in this awesome community all of you have helped us build, and we want to make sure you know what’s going on, good, bad, or otherwise. If we learn more in the future, we’ll be quick to provide an update.
New Twitch Streaming Schedule
Chris was a heavy duty streamer for the group. With his sudden departure, we needed to figure out what we’re doing as a group – as well as adjust the schedule.
We’ve seen an awesome community build around Twitch, and it’s a great way to keep that community going. We want to continue to be active there, especially while keeping the Patron nights with $5 and up Patrons going.
We also want to continue with plans to bring exciting new videos to our YouTube channel while also vastly expanding the blog content here at Assortedmeeples.com. Looking at the numbers, there were bluntly some time periods that were sort of dead zones. We never want this to be a chore – but fun and entertaining for everyone involved.
So with all that said, here’s the new Twitch streaming schedule:
- Sunday: No stream
- Monday: Braden streams 6:30-9:30 PM
- Tuesday & Wednesday: No stream
- Thursday: Board Game Night (digital for the forseeable future) 6:30-9:30 PM
- Friday: Patron Game Night (for $5/month and up Patrons) 6:30-9:30 PM
- Saturday: Shane streams 9:00 AM – Noon
So What’s the Silver Lining?
This isn’t the end of Assorted Meeples. Not by a long shot. Shane “The Corrupt Overlord,” Old Man Callahan, Pheeeeelllll, and Braden “The Business” are all very much on board and invested in continuing to grow the Assorted Meeples community. While there will be fewer streaming times, this actually means more time to focus on Patrons, create great new YouTube content, and to explore other creative projects related to gaming.
In other words, there’s going to be a lot to continue to enjoy both now and in the future. Patrons get the full details on upcoming projects, but for everyone else just know that the new schedule is in effect now, and there is plenty more coming. So for now: many awesome projects are coming down the pipeline.
As sad and unfortunate as having Chris leave is, we’re glad he recognizes when he needs time to deal with personal life issues, and we’re happy to support him in any way we can. When he’s ready to reach out, we’re here. The community support for Chris and the rest of us has been awesome, and Assorted Meeples is here to stay.
We look forward to the many projects coming down the line as well as many happier days ahead. Have fun gaming, we hope you enjoy the new schedule, and we look forward to interacting with you all as we continue to nurture and grow the Assorted Meeples community.
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Proud to embrace the locally created moniker of “Corrupt Overlord” from one of the all time great Lords of Waterdeep runs, Shane is one member of the Assorted Meeples crew and will be hard at work creating awesome content for the website. He is a long-time player of board games, one time semi-professional poker player, and tends to run to the quirky or RPG side of things when it comes to playing video games. He loves tabletop roleplaying systems like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Werewolf, Fate, and others, and not only has been a player but has run games as DM for years. You can find his other work in publications like Level Skip or Hobby Lark.