DnD One Feat Guide: Level 1 Feats

wizard studying tome

Feats have changed immensely between 5th Edition and the early rollout of DnD One, which players are starting to refer to as D&D 6E as it’s becoming clear that it’s a new system as opposed to 5.5 or anything that is likely to actually be backwards compatible. One of the earliest revelations of how this …

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Detect Magic 5E: DnD Spell Guide

Magic aura on sword

Detect Magic is one of the most commonly prepared spells by players in the entirety of 5E Dungeons and Dragons. For the low price of a 1st level spell slot or 10 minutes of your time, you become a divining rod that can sense the presence of nearby magic for up to 10 minutes, and …

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DnD One Musician Feat Guide

bards performing 5e

A new feat introduced with the early Unearthed Arcana for DnD One that didn’t exist in 5E is the Musician feat. This is a 1st-Level feat that is available to players as a choice in the new DnD One system and is recommended as the starting feat for players who choose to take the Entertainer …

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DnD 5E Expertise Guide: What It Is, How It Works, & How to Get It!

Bard Inspiring Wizard

Expertise is something that occasionally comes up when building characters, or leveling them up, especially with new characters. There can sometimes even be confusion over expertise versus proficiency. While these two things are definitely related, they aren’t the same thing, as any experienced Rogue or Bard player can tell you. Expertise is a specialty class …

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DnD One Crafter Feat Guide

pots from potters tools

The shift from 5E to DnD One involving backgrounds and feats is interesting, and it’s worth noting that this can change a lot over the next couple years of play-testing and game updates, but the Crafter Feat was one of two new feats that showed up in the first Unearthed Arcana releases snippet One of …

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5E Wood Elf Magic Racial Feat Guide

wood elf battle mage

Elves have a certain mystique about them in the fantasy adventure world whether it’s literature, D&D, or just from general mystique. Considering they are a race that lives many centuries beyond even the longest living others and it’s safe to assume those extra years of training and discipline would pay off in warriors and spellcasters …

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5E Squat Nimbleness Racial Feat Guide

gnome barbarian

While the advantages of being the size of a Goliath might be obvious, there are benefits to being on the other side of the stature table. Dwarves, Halflings, Gnomes, and other smaller races might not cause fear in an open field charge, but they definitely have some advantages when it comes to getting out of …

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5E Second Chance Racial Feat Guide

rolling lucky dice

Second Chance sounds like something someone with good luck gets, and if that made you guess this was all about the Halfling, then you are correct. The other Halfing Racial Feat (Bountiful Luck) is one of the most overpowered racial feats in all of Xanathar’s, and while this one isn’t nearly as strong, it’s still …

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