Fans of Dungeons & Dragons know that weapons are more than just tools for killing monsters, more than just the die, or combination of die, that they use. Weapon choice can tell others a lot about your character. They are extensions of your character, expressions of your style, and symbols of your power. How do you choose to engage from combat, how are you at your most deadly? These are answers that your weapons give to others perceptive enough to see them.
While this might not be a big issue for caster classes like wizards or sorcerers who rely on the inherent magical power within, but with other classes the variety of weapons available can really say a lot about the the different playstyles you can choose from. Sometimes the answer might be obvious, but this isn’t always the case.
So for the newer players looking at all the seeming overwhelming number of choices, even before considering homebrew weapons and armor, how do they take all this information and drill it down to the decision of choosing the right weapon in D&D for their character?
When choosing the right weapon for your style in D&D, consider the cost and your class’s proficiencies, ability scores, skills, preferred combat tactics, and role-playing preferences. Keep in mind any weapon limitations or proficiencies your class has as well as what 5E feats you may want to take in future level ups to pick the weapons that suit your play style best.
Though that may be a mouthful, this guide breaks that all down to help you choose a weapon best suited to your class and playstyle. You’ll learn the benefits and disadvantages of different weapons, class suggestions, and how to mix things up with eccentric choices when the situation calls for it. If you want to hack, sneak, blast, snipe, or mix it up, you’ll learn all about that here and do it with style!

Looking at Weapon Stats And Mechanics in 5E D&D
With weapons in D&D, several stats and mechanics are important to understand. They are fairly simple to master as 5E is designed to be a simple and accessible system.
First, it’s worth noting that you will apply your attack stat modifier to damage regardless of your weapon. It means the modifier is the same whether you choose a weapon with 1d6, 1d8, or 1d10 damage (or any other dice combinations available). This means you still get a great bonus and won’t be penalized too much if you choose those thematic 1d6 scimitars versus the 1d8 rapier, even if the scimitars are less powerful.
If that weapon combination if more fun for you (looking at you, Drizzit fans), the DEX or STR modifier (depending on the style of weapon you use) remains the same, meaning your penalty for choosing to use a less powerful weapon for fun or style will be minimal.
Using weapons, you should focus on weapons you are proficient with. This allows you to apply your proficiency bonus to the attack roll whenever you attack with a melee weapon to attempt to hit an enemy. This does make a huge difference and is very important to keep in mind when considering which weapons to use for your character.
- When evaluating weapons, it’s best to consider their average damage output over time. Each die has an expected value equal to half its max value plus 0.5. It means that, on average, a D6 will deal 3.5 damage, while 2D6 will deal seven damage (and so on). It’s because every result is equally possible; over time, the values will tend to float around the average and by thinking of the weapons this way you can have a sense of what each one will provide on average over a long campaign.
Next is to check race/class for important information. For example, Druids traditionally can’t use metal weapons or armor. They have spells to get around this, and Druids shouldn’t be meleeing in regular form anyway, not with Wild Shape and all their spells, though when they have to at low levels spells like Shillelagh work as well as any weapon to show their identity and fighting style.
If you are playing a small-sized race, it’s important to note that you may have a disadvantage with heavy weapons. Heavy weapons have a STR requirement to wield. These are the details that it’s important to remember since it can affect your decision on which weapons to use.
- While the type of damage a weapon deals can be relevant in certain situations, it won’t make a significant difference in most cases. You’d also want to consider different damage types outside of combat, such as bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing – for breaking walls, disarming traps, and more. Still, the most critical factors in combat are the weapon’s stats and your character’s abilities.
So, by understanding weapon stats and their mechanics, you’ll find yourself many steps closer to the best decisions when choosing which weapons to use for your character – and many more steps closer as we explore the varieties through this guide.

Face Value Of Weapon Stats And Mechanics
Before we start off, we need to get the basics down for any new players needing a comprehensive guide to get better acquainted with identifying various weaponry. Weapons have different stats and mechanics that affect how they perform in combat. So before choosing a weapon for your character, you must understand how weapons work and present themselves in D&D 5E.
The basic weapons can be found on page 149 of the original The Player’s Handbook. There are also plenty of online resources that give the exact stats for all the weapons that can be found in 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons.
Here are the main aspects of weapons that you need to know:
- Name: The weapon’s name, such as dagger, longsword, crossbow, etc.
- Cost: The price of the weapon in gold pieces (GP), silver pieces (SP), or copper pieces (CP). You can buy weapons from shops, find them as loot, or craft them with the right tools and materials. This becomes relatively unimportant pretty quickly into the game, but is worth noting in the beginning when money is scarce in addition to
- Damage: The amount and type of damage the weapon deals with when it hits a target. Depending on the weapon, damage types can be bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, and damage is expressed as several dice plus a modifier, such as 1d4 + 2. Some creatures also have resistance or immunity to certain kinds of damage, which means they take less or no damage from those sources.
- Weight: The weight of the weapon is measured in pounds (lb). The weight of your equipment affects how much you can carry without being encumbered or overburdened. See the rules for carrying capacity in the Player’s Handbook (p. 176) for more details.
- Properties: Best understood as the unique features or qualities of the weapon, such as finesse, heavy, light, loading, reach, thrown, etc. Properties can modify how you use the weapon in combat, such as the following few examples:
- Finesse: Allowing you to use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier for attack and damage rolls
- Heavy: Gives you a disadvantage on attack rolls if you are a Small creature.
- Light: Letting you wield two weapons at once.
- Loading: Requiring you to spend an action to reload the weapon after each shot.
- Reach: Extending your reach by 5 feet
- Thrown: Enabling you to hurl the weapon at a target within a specific range
See the list of weapon properties in the Player’s Handbook (p. 146-147).
The most common weapons used in D&D 5e are in the Weapons table in the Player’s Handbook (p. 149) or Roll20 Compendium. These weapons are divided into two categories: simple and martial.
Simple weapons are easy to use and can be wielded by most people. Martial weapons require more training and skill to wield effectively. For any attack made with a weapon that you are proficient with, your proficiency bonus is added to the attack roll.
If you use a weapon, you are not proficient with, and you do not add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll, losing out on that damage.
Below you will find an example of how a weapon is presented in the Weapons table:
Name | Weight | Damage | Cost | Properties |
Dagger | 1 lb. | 1d4 piercing | 2 GP | Finesse, thrown, light (range 20/60) |
The above example means that a dagger costs two gold pieces, deals 1d4 + your modifier piercing damage when it hits a target, weighs 1 pound, and has the finesse, light, and thrown properties. The dagger is a weak weapon, but its versatility makes it useful in multiple circumstances, and it’s a great weapon for a rogue who can add poison, a devastating sneak attack, or use this as a complimentary weapon to others that he/she carries.
In addition to the weapons in the Weapons table, some setting-specific weapons are used in certain worlds or campaigns of D&D. For example, Dragonlance has its own weapons, such as a kender dagger and hoopak. These weapons are found in the sourcebooks or websites that describe those settings.
You can also use improvised weapons in D&D 5E, objects that are not designed to be used as weapons but can be wielded in a fight. For example, you can use a chair leg, a frying pan, or a bottle as an improvised weapon. An improvised weapon usually deals 1d4 damage of an appropriate type and has no unique properties.
The DM decides whether an object can be used as an improvised weapon and what damage and properties it has.
Some weapons have unique features that make them more effective or versatile than others. For example, some weapons can be silvered to overcome the resistance of particular creatures, such as werewolves. Some weapons have special abilities that activate under certain conditions or require attunement, while other weapons can be upgraded or customized with magic items.
There’s always the chance the DM will allow +1 magic upgrades by seeing a magical blacksmith or an in-story vendor – so keep in mind that every game is a bit different and your options may expand or contract based on the specific game you’re playing in.
Knowing Your Class’s Weapon Proficiencies And Restrictions
Now that you have more of an idea of weapon stats and mechanics, the next step would be figuring out which weapons or weapon types go best with your class and the stats and proficiencies they bring to the table. And that comes with knowing what class your character plays, what they may be proficient with, and what else they can wield.
Again, weapon proficiency is determined by your class. So you can add your proficiency bonus to any attack you make with a proficient weapon. And remember, you don’t get your proficiency bonus if you u a weapon you’re not proficient with. More proficiencies can often be added through multi-classing or in some cases by certain feats.
Each class has a list of weapon proficiencies you gain when choosing that class. For example:
- A fighter is skilled in the use of all simple and martial weapons
- Rogues are proficient with simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, and shortswords
- Wizards are proficient with daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, and light crossbows
If you want more information on that, know that each class’s weapon proficiency can be found in the Player’s Handbook (p. 45-119).
Some classes also have restrictions or limitations on which weapons they can use effectively or not at all. Like how:
- Monks can only use their martial arts features with simple melee weapons without two-handed or heavy property or with short swords
- Druids will not use a weapon or armor made of metal
- Paladins must use a weapon that is compatible with their oath
- Warlocks must use a weapon granted by their patron or pact boon
Knowing your class’s weapon proficiencies and restrictions can help you choose a weapon that matches your character’s abilities and role. However, you don’t have to bind yourself to the weapons that your class offers or allows.
Suppose you have a general idea of your direction for a particular class. In that case, you can play with that weapon if the DM allows it and if it doesn’t act as a disadvantage rather than fun and possibly advantageous.
For example, if you choose to play a barbarian who uses a whip as their signature weapon, you can ask your DM if you can swap one of your weapon proficiencies for whips. Or, if you want to play a cleric who uses a crossbow as their holy symbol and divine focus, you can ask your DM if you can modify or enchant your crossbow to serve that purpose.
As a DM I enjoy when players come with this type of request and have a good, funny, story-based reason on why they want that exception or homebrew added to the game for them. Most good DMs I’ve talked to are the same way. Give us a good reason or make us laugh and we’ll see what we can do to make it work. The game should be fun for everyone!
As long as you have a decent reason and story for your weapon choice, and if it doesn’t break the game balance or the setting logic, most DMs will be willing to accommodate your creative ideas and preferences. The weapons themselves don’t tend to be overpowered unless you have very high level magical weapons (or use the classic polearm master + sentinel build), so most requests directly regarding weapons are not going to be a big problem in most cases.
Consider Your Character’s Ability Scores And Skills
Another factor to consider when choosing a weapon for your character and playstyle is your ability scores and skills. Your ability scores are Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Charisma, and Wisdom, which are numerical values that represent your character’s natural talents and training in various adventuring aspects.
Your ability scores and skills affect how well you use your weapon in combat. Your skills are specific abilities you have proficiency in, such as Acrobatics, Stealth, or Insight. Depending on the weapon and the situation, you might have to make an attack roll or a skill check to hit a target, deal damage, or perform a special maneuver.
Your attack roll or skill check is usually a d20 roll plus a modifier based on your ability score and skill proficiency. For example:
- If you use a longsword to attack an orc, you make a melee weapon attack roll using your Strength modifier plus your proficiency bonus (if you are proficient with longswords).
- Suppose you use a short bow to shoot an arrow at a goblin; you’ll make a ranged weapon attack roll using your Dexterity modifier, including your proficiency bonus (if you are proficient with short bows).
- And if you are using a whip to disarm a bandit of his dagger, you make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check contested by the bandit’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
Therefore, when choosing a weapon for your character, you should consider which ability scores and skills you have the highest modifiers in and which are most relevant to your preferred combat tactics. This is pretty simple as most experienced players can pretty much tell you which weapons are “DEX weapons” and which weapons are “STR weapons.”
Generally speaking, weapons that are labeled light, finesse, and thrown are all Dexterity-based while weapons that are labeled with the properties heavy, reach, or two-handed, are Strength-based. There are a couple of exceptions, but that is a good rule of thumb. If a weapon is labeled as versatile that means the weapon can be one-handed for a d8 damage or two-handed for a d10 damage. Whether it’s STR or DEX depends on the weapon itself.
So other ways that proficiencies and core ability score stats can play into how weapons work include:
- If you have a high Strength score and proficiency in Athletics, you might choose a heavy or versatile weapon that lets you use your Strength modifier on attack and damage rolls and perform feats of strength such as grappling or shoving.
- Those with high Dexterity scores and proficiency in Acrobatics or Stealth may find it best to choose a finesse or light weapon that lets you use your Dexterity modifier for attack and damage rolls and enables you to move nimbly and sneakily in combat.
- Suppose you have a high Intelligence score and proficiency in Arcana or History. Magic weapons in 5E don’t use Intelligence as a modifier so that type of character is going to focus on using pure magic as opposed to any actual martial weapons.
- There are magic weapons that can only be used by certain classes like Druids or Warlocks. Finding these weapons can be a way to use your strong stats in ways that most classes could not use them in general combat, especially once you get to homebrew or custom made items.
While these are all considerations for choosing the right weapon for your style of combat, the style and gameplay can play an even bigger role. There are many, many weapons that use a d6, a d8, or a d10. Whether you want to slash, stab, chop, or crush – there’s likely weapons at each level that you can pick from.
Even if you’ve been consistently using one or two weapons you might change them up mid-game when during the course of a campaign you find that your character is, for whatever reason, gravitating towards a different or new style of weapon. This can be a part of the roleplaying experience and help the DM describe your combat in a way that meshes with the image in your head.
Some blades are better for dual wielding than others, and the weapons you envision for a rogue or swashbuckler is going to be different from a barbarian or Fighter dual wielding two longswords. Knowing your ideal fighting style can make it a lot easier to decide which weapons you’re going to go with.
Identifying Preferred Combat Tactics And Role-Play
Tactics and role-play are how you like to fight and act in the game based on your personality, goals, and preferences. Your preferred combat tactics and role-play can influence your chosen weapon, as different weapons can suit different play styles.
For example, if you like to be aggressive and deal a lot of damage in combat, you might choose a weapon with a high damage dice, a bonus to attack or damage rolls, or a unique ability that triggers extra damage.
Good examples of excellent damage direction are:
- A Greataxe deals 1d12 slashing damage.
- A flame tongue sword deals an extra 2d6 fire damage.
- A sword of life stealing deals an additional 3d6 necrotic damage and grants you temporary hit points when you score a critical hit.
In contrast, if you like to be defensive and protect yourself and your allies, you might choose a weapon that offers an advantage on saving throws, a bonus to AC, or a way to disadvantage your enemies. It all depends on what exactly is available. Many long-time DMs are open to converting items from Pathfinder or 3.5 to modern D&D if it fits your character and you’re willing to save up in-game for that.
The barbarian might love the great axe while a dual-wielding fighter with two swords has a different style. Monks can look different depending on whether they’re fighting with a single quarter staff or dual wield hand clubs. The Shield Master feat even lets you take a normally defensive piece of armor (the shield) and use a bonus action to bash an enemy with it.
There are many versatile options for multiple fighting styles, with only the net fighting style being underwhelming because of severely problematic game mechanics with how 5E works. While a net enables you to restrain and disadvantage an enemy on attack rolls, the combination of penalties for using ranged weapons too close and the lack of range on a net puts the player in a tough place of potentially always having to fight with a net at disadvantage with RAW.
For versatility and adaptability, you can choose a weapon with multiple modes of use, like melee or ranged, one–handed or two–handed, or single or dual–wielded.
Good examples of a versatile approach are:
- A spear can be thrown at a distance or used in close quarters to be wielded with one or two hands for different damage dice.
- A longsword can also be wielded with one or two hands for different damage dice.
- A pair of shortswords can be wielded with one hand each for two attacks per round.
Of course, combat is not the only aspect of the game. It would also be best if you also considered how your weapon fits your character’s role-play. Just how bludgeoning weapons can break brille walls and how slashing weapons can cut a rope. And can be viewed as a trusty tool outside of battle.
Moreover, your weapon is not just a tool used for destruction and killing monsters but also part of your character’s identity, personality, and story.
If your character is a noble knight who values honor and justice, you might want to choose a weapon that symbolizes your status and ideals, such as a longsword with your family crest or a lance with your coat of arms. Sometimes it’s not the mechanics of the weapon that matters, but adding a description that makes that particular weapon unique to your character.
The same goes with cunning rogues who rely on stealth and deception; it’s not uncommon to find them wanting to choose a weapon that suits their methods and skills, such as a dagger with a hidden compartment or a hand crossbow with poisoned bolts.
By identifying your preferred combat tactics and role-play, you can choose a weapon that matches your character’s style and enhances your enjoyment of the game. But you don’t have to stick to one kind of weapon all the time, and you can also experiment with many types and techniques to see what works in your favor in different situations.
You can also change your style or weapon as your character grows and develops throughout the campaign. The main idea here is to have fun and express yourself through your weapon choice.
Exploring Different Types Of Weapons Choices
Now that you have considered your weapon stats and mechanics, your class’s weapon proficiencies and restrictions, and your preferred combat tactics and role-play, you are ready to explore different types of weapons and their pros and cons.
Many types of weapons exist in the 5th edition and other manuals, each boasting its own strengths and weaknesses. By comparing and contrasting different types of weapons, you can find the one that best suits your character’s style and needs.
Note: The Versatile property might seem cool initially, but it’s not that great. Most of the time, you’ll probably be using a Shield with your weapon, and the Versatile property only adds 1 point of damage on average when used with one hand. Generally, you are better off with the shield, though the defensive duelist feat can do a lot to make up that difference.
Plus, if you want to use a two-handed weapon, there’s usually a better variant designed to be used with two hands. However, if you’re playing a small race or a Monk, the Versatile property might be more useful for you.
Situationally it can be made to work, it’s general use just isn’t as good as you would expect from first glance.
5E Simple Weapons: Are They Right For Your D&D Fighting Style?
Simple weapons are good for characters not specialized in combat or who want to save money and weight for other equipment. These are weapons that are simple to use and can be wielded by most people, and are usually cheaper and lighter than martial weapons, but they also deal less damage and have fewer unique properties.
- Club: A primary melee weapon that deals with bludgeoning damage. It is easy to acquire and cheap to purchase, making it a useful backup weapon or for characters on a budget, not to mention the fact that clubs can be used as Monk weapons.
- Dagger: Daggers are versatile weapons that can be used for both melee and ranged attacks. It has the finesse property, making it a good choice for characters with high Dexterity scores. It is also lightweight and easy to conceal.
- Greatclub: Two-handed melee weapons deal more damage than a club. It is a simple and affordable option for characters who want a heavier weapon.
- Handaxe: A melee weapon that can also be thrown. It suits characters who want a ranged option without carrying a separate weapon.
- Javelin: A throwing weapon with a more extended range than the handaxe. It is helpful for characters who want a ranged option that can be used in a pinch.
- Light hammers: They are one-handed melee weapons that can also be thrown. It is similar to the handaxe but deals bludgeoning damage instead of slashing.
- Mace: A primary melee weapon that deals with bludgeoning damage. It is a good option for characters who want a weapon that is easy to use and straightforward.
- Quarterstaff: A versatile melee weapon that can be used one-handed or two-handed. It is helpful for characters who want a weapon that can be used in many situations.
- Sickle: A farming tool that can be used as a weapon in a pinch. It deals with slashing damage and is a good option for characters who want a lightweight, easily concealed weapon.
- Spear: A versatile melee weapon that can also be thrown. It is another useful option for characters who want a ranged option without carrying a separate weapon. It can also be used with the Polearm Master feat.
Additionally, some classes are limited to simple weapons unless they take additional feats or multiclass to gain additional proficiencies. This means without those additional feats or actions, a character can’t use heavy weapons or benefit from certain feats (like the Great Weapon Master Feat) because they don’t have the proper prerequisites.
5E Martial Melee Weapons: Are They Right For Your D&D Fighting Style?
Martial weapons are an upgrade from simple weapons and are more specialized for combat. They usually deal more damage and have unique properties that can give players an advantage in battle. However, they are also more expensive and heavier than simple weapons.
- Longswords, Battleaxes, and Warhammers are all equivalent in terms of damage, and they are versatile weapons that provide a tactical advantage.
- In most cases, Flail, Morningstar, and War Pick are also equivalent to the first three weapons.
- Rapier is a Finesse weapon and offers a tactical advantage for those who want solid damage and the Finesse property.
- The Whip is also a Finesse weapon with both the Finesse and Reach properties, making it great for characters who want to be mobile and hard to hit.
- Shortsword and Scimitar are equivalent and are good options for two-weapon fighting because of their Light property.
- Greatsword and Maul are the most damaging weapons with 2D6 damage, and they have synergy with the Great Weapon Fighting style and the Great Weapon Master feat.
- Greataxe is a good weapon that has an advantage for Barbarians and Half–Orcs because of its interaction with the Brutal Critical feature and the Savage Attacks feature.
- Lance is a Reach weapon with a disadvantage if attacking from 5 feet, but it can be used with one hand while mounted.
- Halberd and Glaive are good weapons with the Reach property and good damage, and they can be used with the Polearm Master feat.
- Pike is a Reach weapon that can be used to set up opportunity attacks against approaching enemies.
- The Trident is excellent for underwater battles since they don’t have any disadvantage on attack rolls. Still, they cannot benefit or be used with the Polearm mastery feat, which makes it a less popular choice among players.
While martial weapons are more specialized than simple weapons, they are also more expensive and heavier. Also, remember that some classes may not have proficiency with them, limiting their use in combat.
5E Martial Ranged Weapons: Are They Right For Your D&D Fighting Style?
Martial Ranged Weapons are upgraded from simple ranged weapons and are more specialized for combat. They are more expensive and heavier than simple weapons and usually deal more damage with unique properties that can give players an advantage in battle.
Here are the specific details for each weapon:
Note: All are appropriate for the Sharpshooter feat.
- Longbow: A solid and standard ranged weapon with good range and damage. It’s better than a short bow if it can be used efficiently.
- Hand Crossbow: An excellent & versatile ranged weapon if you have chosen the Crossbow Expert feat and a good choice before reaching the 5th level. The Loading property holds it back after level 5, as you can’t make more than one attack per turn, and with the feat, you can make a bonus action attack with it, and you don’t have a downside when attacking nearby close-quarter targets.
- Heavy Crossbow: Even though it isn’t as handy as the Hand Crossbow, it’s the most destructive ranged weapon in terms of damage. Still, the Loading property makes it ineffective for additional attacks unless you have Crossbow Expert. Also, its high cost of 50 gold is another downside for starting characters who do not start off with this weapon.
- Blowgun: A ranged weapon that is easier to conceal than any kind of bow or crossbow. It’s helpful in pesky stealthy situations.
- Net: The second weapon with the Special property. It can be helpful when dealing with enemies that have only one attack as it restrains them. However, it’s not worth it most of the time as breaking free from the Net is easy, and you always attack at a disadvantage with it because of its ranged attack mechanic and range.
These are the primary weapon categories in D&D 5e, but additional weapon types are specific to particular settings, classes, races, or magical items. For instance:
- Several locations, including Eberron or Wildemount, feature firearms.
- Racial weapons, such as the drow’s hand crossbow or the gnome’s hooked hammer, are available.
- Class-specific weapons, such as the monk’s Kensei weapons or the warlock’s pact weapon, can also be found.
- Magic weapons with unique abilities or properties that make them more powerful or distinct than ordinary weapons are also available.
By exploring different types of weapons and their pros and cons, you can find the one that best suits your character’s style and needs. If you are unhappy, try not to limit yourself to one type of weapon constantly. Instead, experiment with different weapons to see what works best for you in different situations.
You can also change your type of weapon as your character grows and develops throughout the campaign.
How Martial Feats Can Enhance Your Combat Style
Martial feats in Dungeons and Dragons are powerful abilities that make up for the lack of casting spells for martial characters. These feats are generally strong in combat and can be found in the Players Handbook (pages 165-170). The following is a summary of a few of the popular martial feats:
- Great Weapon Master (GWM): This popular feat is considered broken when used well. It is best used against low AC enemies or when the player has an advantage in the attack roll. It allows players to take a -5 to hit to deal a massive +10 to damage. An added advantage is the bonus action attack after a critical hit or killing an enemy.
- Sharpshooter (SS): This feat is similar to GWM and is also considered vital in combat, allowing the player to take a -5 to hit to apply a +10 damage. The existence of the Archery fighting style makes it even more potent, and it is best used against medium AC enemies.
- Polearm Master (PAM): PAM is a strong feat that gives the player an additional bonus action attack that applies the damage modifier. This feat makes two-weapon fighting less effective. It also improves the opportunity attack trigger. Most weapons used with PAM are heavy, so it is compatible with GWM.
- Shield Master: This feat used to be very strong, but the designers have made changes that require the bonus action to be taken after the entire attack action. Despite this, it is still a useful feat. Shoving someone prone without using any resource or attack is useful, especially for melee parties. The additional effects regarding dexterity save make the player sturdier.
- Crossbow Expert: This feat allows the player to ignore the loading quality of crossbows, making them viable after level 5. It also gives the player a bonus action attack with the hand crossbow, and melee attacks are made at a close range without disadvantage.
- Tavern Brawler: This is a substantial feat for grappler characters. It gives the player a bonus action grapple when using an unarmed strike or an improvised weapon, and is a favorite among Barbarians and Fighters who rolled high on stats so have “extra” feats to spend without having to sacrifice efficiency in their build.
- Grappler Feat: This feat is not very useful as a grapple or shove only requires one attack of your attack action. The action to restrain both you and the grappled enemy is worthless. The only niche used for this feat is when you face a boss in a party of ranged characters.
- Dual Wielder: This feat is considered a trap as it does not improve two-weapon fighting. It allows the player to use non-light one-handed weapons for two-weapon combat instead of light weapons, which makes it more suitable for players with high attack stats.
Finding the Right Weapon for Your DnD Character – Final Thoughts
Choosing a weapon for your D&D 5e character doesn’t have to be that difficult, although it’s a choice that should take some contemplation before making a decision. Choosing the right weapons for your fighting style in D&D is an important part of building your DnD character and filling out their style, their place, and their weapons in this campaign.
Hopefully this in-depth guide to finding the right weapon for your D&D character will help you consider the different weapons and their features, feats, and properties while encouraging you to match your character’s build and class. So go ahead, wield your weapon confidence, and level up your game!
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Proud to embrace the locally created moniker of “Corrupt Overlord” from one of the all time great Lords of Waterdeep runs, Shane is one member of the Assorted Meeples crew and will be hard at work creating awesome content for the website. He is a long-time player of board games, one time semi-professional poker player, and tends to run to the quirky or RPG side of things when it comes to playing video games. He loves tabletop roleplaying systems like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Werewolf, Fate, and others, and not only has been a player but has run games as DM for years. You can find his other work in publications like Level Skip or Hobby Lark.