Where Do Wyverns Spawn in Terraria?

Terraria Wyvern

Ah, Terraria. Whether you enjoy exploration, constructing cool buildings, gardening, or mechanical engineering, you’ll find plenty to keep you occupied in this 16-bit 2D paradise. I personally find it a lot more laid back than Minecraft, and have lost literal days spelunking for materials to build the perfect house above ground. Back when it was …

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Why Can’t I Donate to the Museum in Stardew Valley?

Nearly complete museum collection stardew

The opening cut scene that introduces Gunther, head of the library and museum, is one that lays a clear foundation. Donate valuable items and artifacts you discover along the way, and maybe there will be something good in it for you. A not-so-spoiler alert: there is! Aside from sprinting for the completionist feat in the …

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5E Racial Feats Guide: Xanathar’s Biggest Secrets

armored medieval warrior

Racial feats are likely the biggest part of Xanthar’s Guide to Everything that developers were surprised flew under the radar. This was the first addition to feats offered in the Player’s Handbook, and despite this they generally flew under the radar with few players or DMs taking notice. This might have been due in part …

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23 Strategy Games Better Than Risk

book shelves full of board games

Look, I get it, we start out with Risk because what’s easier than rolling dice and seeing the higher numbers versus the lowest one? This is a great foray into strategy games when you are a really young gamer and helps you appreciate strategy or conquest games as you move along, grow a bit older, …

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Is the Net a Fatally Flawed Tool in 5E DnD?

trident and net gladiator

In 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons nets are specialty Dexterity-based ranged weapons that will impose the restrained condition on a target until it is able to become free, or is able to pass a DC10 strength check. While it doesn’t do any actual damage, the disadvantages that the restrained condition imposes can be powerful and …

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