Stardew Valley How Does a Lightning Rod Work?

lightning rods winter stardew valley

The lightning rod is one of my favorite items in Stardew Valley. It not only protects your crops from lightning strikes that will kill them, but it also produces the valuable battery pack which is crucial for not only finishing a variety of quests in the mid to late game but is also a crucial …

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Is Stardew Valley Cross Platform?

stardew valley opening screen

Stardew Valley is a game that many tens of millions of gamers are very familiar with, and for good reason. This is the most popular farm-life sim ever created, and tens of millions of players play the game solo and with friends. Stardew Valley is not cross platform and there are no plans for it …

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5E Ice Knife: A Chilling Attack Spell

ice mage casting ice spells

Ice Knife is a versatile little spell that can be used in many different ways, some less obvious than others. It’s the foundation of several other spells, and it’s particularly useful when you’re building a necromancer. What’s the best way to use Ice Knife? Why’s it such a great spell? What are the right battle …

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MTG’s Best Blink Commanders (Enablers)

Brago King Eternal MTG card

Cards with strong abilities that activate simply for entering the battlefield are often beloved by Magic: The Gathering (MTG) players, regardless of your favorite way to play the game. When you think about it, this makes total sense. The ability for a creature to do its cool thing, even if it eats an immediate removal …

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Is Stardew Valley Worth the Money?

is stardew valley worth it

Stardew Valley is one of the most popular indie games ever made, and has sold over 20 million copies across all platforms. That’s an incredible number and one that seems to only continue to grow as the game was only available on Steam/PC for a long time, and it has a certain timelessness that continues …

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5E Wolf & Direwolf Guide: Challenging Wild Encounters

Wolf attacking sheep in woods

Located in the back of The Player’s Handbook in the useful Appendixes, both Wolves and Direwolves are dangerous animals that run in packs, are enormously dangerous against low level parties, and have unique features that can make them a lot of fun to play. These are often the first hard reality introduction to players of …

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Stardew Valley Lingcod Guide

stardew valley lingcod

The lingcod is one of the hardest non-legendary fish in Stardew Valley to catch and has been a major headache for many a Stardew player. In fact, outside of the legendary fish the lingcod is rated as 5th hardest fish to catch behind such rage quit inducing names as the Scorpion Carp, Lava Eel, and …

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