Assorted Meeples January Schedule

Hey everyone! Thank you once again for your amazing support. We have been absolutely stunned by all of you and hope you’ve been enjoying this crazy ride as much as we do.

While you know just how much we are all about the professionalism (commence snarky comments & rolling of the eyes here) but even with our proud amateurism aside, we’re all about giving you guys as much heads up as possible before something cool takes place.

With that said, we have planned out our board game nights for the next five weeks, and have a really exciting line up setup.

Next Month’s Board Game Schedule

We are getting the video game streams up and running and expect everyone will be up with their own set video game streaming times by the end of the month (although hopefully quite a bit before then), as well as have longer game plays on YouTube start coming out before too long.

So keep your eyes out for all the extra fun!

In case you missed the recent fun:

Please consider supporting us on Patreon, and thank you for all the support so far and we’re looking forward to where this is all going!