MTG’s Best Red Tutors for Commander

If you asked a Commander player what the worst color in MTG was during the last few years, most would say white. Its lack of card draw and efficient mana ramp made it challenging to start on even footing with your opponents, making the setup of bigger plays in the late game needlessly difficult when …

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One DnD Mage Slayer Feat Guide

woman warrior mage slayer

Spellcasters are feared, and with good reason. The power of magic is unrivaled in most areas of 5th Edition D&D, and for low-level and mid-level adventuring parties that have run across that Big Bad Guy who had high level spells, the pain is real. So is the fear. For martial characters who have been pushed …

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One DnD Keen Mind Feat Guide

keen mind girl reading book on book pyramid

Keen Mind paints a certain picture, and true to its name this is a feat you find with a player looking for a higher intelligence score like Wizard or Artificer, and it has earned a reputation in recent years as one of the most contentious feats in the Player’s Handbook, so how does the newest …

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One DnD Inspiring Leader Feat Guide

Shane Corrupt Overlord

The Inspiring Leader feat is one that has found a lot of play throughout various campaigns around our gaming table. The ability to give an inspiring speech that gets a group so fired up that they run into battle yelling “FRRREEEEEDDDDOOOOMMMMMM!” with their extra temporary hit points absorbing some of that first wave damage. Or …

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DnD One Heavy Armor Master Feat Guide

heavy armor

The Heavy Armor Master Feat is one that wasn’t necessarily a must-take for martial characters, but it was up there. Unlike Pathfinder, there are very few mechanics that were in D&D (especially 5E) where damage reduction was a thing, especially outside of being a Barbarian. However, heavy armor master gives an extra boost to the …

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DnD One Heavily Armored Feat Guide

heavy armored knight

The heavily armored feat is an important one that many players are going to need to get the Barbarian, Cleric, or Artificer build of theirs to a place where instead of having to fall back on a Medium armor build, they can move to heavy armor. This mechanical feat is probably one of the most …

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DnD One Great Weapon Master Feat

armored great weapon master knights

The great weapon master feat was one of the mainstays for martial characters in 5th Edition D&D, this is on the short list of every martial build, particularly fighters and barbarians. The idea of being such a master with your weapon you can just cut through an enemy’s defenses to be that much more dangerous …

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