11 Best Mods for Stardew Valley

stardew valley expanded

Stardew Valley is one of those games that just keeps on giving, and its community is one that keeps on giving back. Not only has Stardew Valley sold over 20 million copies but many of its tech-savvy fans have created literally hundreds of mods that can be added to the game to add new characters, …

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Drow High Magic 5E Racial Feat Guide

female drow fighter

The Drow are among the most mysterious of the Elves, in large part due to the change of their curse from worshipping Lolth and being mostly found in the Underdark, far from the forests and open ground that most groups of Elves are associated with whether in the Material Plane or the Fey Wild. This …

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Stardew Valley Clay Farming Guide

stack of clay stardew valley

Clay farming isn’t a glitch per se, but it comes from speed runners and especially min-maxers in Stardew Valley who have figured out how the game “randomly” determines where clay appears when hoeing ground and use that pattern to their advantage to farm a huge amount of clay in Stardew, often from the beach. Despite …

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Is Game Pass Worth It?

Game Pass logo

Subscription services are a big part of the online ecosystem these days, but back in the early days of Xbox Live, there just weren’t that many successful models like it around. Sure, most of us shelled out that $49.99 each year so we could play our favorite multiplayer games online (okay, just Halo 2), but …

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Dragon Hide 5E Racial Feat Guide

dragonborn monk

Dragon Hide is the second of two 5E feats for Dragonborn introduced in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything for 5th Edition D&D. Like many of the racial feats in this core book, it is strong in flavor and embracing creating a more in-depth immersion into a high fantasy world, but does it hold up on the …

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