Machi Koro Strategy Guide: May Your Merchants Roll!

machi koro 5th anniversary game

Machi Koro is a great game for casual gamers. It’s simple enough to be played by those who are new to board games, yet it has enough strategy and depth to keep experienced players having fun as well. Machi Koro is a clever combination of luck and skill, which makes the game enjoyable for people …

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Sentinel 5E: DnD Feat Guide

Monty Python Arthur vs Black Knight

Stoic stone-faced fighters stand in a line as a group of brigands charge, until sudden attacks hit with a whirl of blades, freezing the surprised and stunned attackers in their tracks. A cleric steps forward to call on his ancestral spirits, and when a hint of a smile appears on the fighters’ faces, the brigands …

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Heroquest vs. Descent: Which Board Game Is Best?

Large Hero Quest Board Game

If you like dungeon-crawling, tabletop board games, you’re probably familiar with both Heroquest and Descent. They are both immensely popular games that offer a ton of replayability with new (or current) gaming partners. But which one is better?  Heroquest is a classic dungeon crawler that has been around for years. Descent is a newer game, …

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Cold War CIA vs. KGB Review

cold war cia vs kgb game

With so many strategy and spy games available nowadays, Cold War CIA vs. KGB has made a name for itself by offering a plot with intensity, intrigue, and bluff. It strikes a decent balance between luck and strategy and makes for an excellent two-player strategy game.  The Cold War CIA vs. KGB game is a …

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Polearm Master 5E: DnD Feat Guide

halberd polearm weapons on rack

Polearm Master is a feat that just sounds badass right out of the gate, and it’s one of those feats that actually lives up to the sound of its name. This is a very popular feat for certain armored melee classes in 5th Edition D&D, especially those clerics who like to be able to load …

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7 Wonders Board Game Strategy Guide

7 Wonders board game

Card drafting games are some of my favorite board games, offering everything I like about drafting Magic: The Gathering (MTG) without the expense of having to buy packs every time I want to do so. I find the best draft environments offer a wide variety of strategies and experiences that keep you coming back for …

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