How To Play Quinto – A Board Game Of Fives

Quinto board game thumbnail

Both sides of my family have been board gamers since before I can remember, which meant I got exposed to all sorts of different games during vacations, holidays, and other family gatherings. Among my favorite board games was one my aunt and uncle showed me during one of my cross-country visits as a kid – …

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Godsforge Expansion and 2nd Edition Review

Godsforge and Expansions

While there are plenty of board games whose goal is to be the last person standing, the 1st edition of Godsforge did an excellent job of threading the needle of being both approachable from a rules perspective and strategically engaging while sprinkling in just the right amount of chaos. This surprise find at Gen Con …

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Who Are the Nobles in Splendor?

Splendor board game

Splendor is an outstanding board game, one that we’re all huge fans of among the Assorted Meeples. There aren’t many board game that are permanently in the rotation as a “play anytime” game with our group but Splendor is one of those games. As a history buff, I also love the fact that the pictures …

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What Is the Ladder Strategy in Splendor?

Splendor board game

Splendor is one of the favorite board games of Assorted Meeples, and there’s a good reason why it gets so much play at our tables. It’s a fantastic game that has a lot of strategy, is easy to learn, and can be played relatively quickly. Much like chess, it’s a game where the rules and …

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Godsforge Board Game Review

Godsforge board game

Etherium – the ender of famine, the bringer of peace and prosperity, used to be plentiful across the land. Now? Supplies have dried up and there is but a single site on the planet where this powerful source of magic can be found. You are 1 of up to 4 wizards seeking to claim this …

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