Game Night: 02/13/2020

Good Critters board game spread

The weeks just fly by, don’t they? We’ve got some really exciting things going on here at Assorted Meeples. We’ll get to some of those in a moment, and others will have to remain a surprise just a little bit longer, but Thursday is here and that means one thing: board game night. We’re not …

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Game Night: 02/06/2020

Phil Assorted Meeples Meme

Well…Braden certainly had fun last week, lol. We had a great time and met our new friend Gary the Canadian once we moved on to Dungeon Mayhem. If you didn’t catch Phil absolutely dying of laughter over and over because he simply couldn’t deal with Gary’s slow northern drawl and quick wit while sitting in …

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Game Night: 1/30/2020

Betrayal House on the Hill Setup

Hey All, it’s that time of the week again! Thursday is here and we’ve got one of the classics lined up, as well as realizing maybe, just MAYBE, this is the week we will finally have time to add a short game like Dungeon Mayhem? We shall see! Once more if you haven’t kept up …

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Thank You Amazing Supporters, Vol. 1


So a Quick Little Background First… The idea behind Assorted Meeples started getting thrown around about three years ago. While the length of time it took to get going might not say much about our ability to defeat procrastination, we take pride in the fact that we feel like we’re doing this the right way. …

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Game Night: 1/16/2020

Has it been a week already? Yup! As hard as it is to believe, another great week has gone by. Last week Shane proved his forge was by far and away the mightiest of them all despite the early rash of snake eyes before promptly proving to be the worst zombie mob in history. Braden …

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Assorted Meeples January Schedule

Assorted Meeples Logo Header

Hey everyone! Thank you once again for your amazing support. We have been absolutely stunned by all of you and hope you’ve been enjoying this crazy ride as much as we do. While you know just how much we are all about the professionalism (commence snarky comments & rolling of the eyes here) but even …

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Happy New Year 2020!

two d20 dice

Well we have officially kicked off now after 3 months of soft launch and while we won’t be mistaken for pure professionals anytime soon, we’ve certainly come a long way since October! Thanks to everyone who joined us for our 6+ hour livestream on New Year’s Eve. This was an absolute blast and we were …

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