Can a King Kill a King in Chess?

glass chess set

Chess was one of my favorite games growing up. Before board games really hit their full stride with games coming out for players of all ages, chess was a major part of my gaming experience growing up in the late 80’s and through the 1990’s. In fact, I pushed hard in high school to allow …

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Top 10 Plot Quests in Lords of Waterdeep

Lords of Waterdeep Board Game

Lords of Waterdeep is one of our favorite board games here on Assorted Meeples and we play it both in person as well as using the online version to play one another via Steam. Combining the best of worker placement European-style boardgames with intense strategy and a bit of deck building (hello Intrigue Cards), this …

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Game Night Goes Digital!

boardgamearena screenshot

No question that we’re going to miss the game nights. Because several of us in the group either have medical issues that make Covid-19 (Coronavirus) very dangerous to us and some of our relatives we’re caretakers for, we were watching this really closely even before things really ramped up. We hoped to have one more …

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Game Night: 2/27/2020

Nebula board game

So this week we’re slaying dragons! Huh, what? Wait…that was last week? Ah man, I missed all the dragon killing! All jokes aside, last week was a neat little game of Dice & Dragons, and we’re glad that Kickstarter was funded. Sometimes we will go back to the classic board games and other times we’ll …

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Game Night: 2/20/2020

Dice and Dragons Board Game

Wait, another week has flown by and it is time for game night once again? Really? Well then, game day it is! We have a really unique game this week and chances are really good that even if you’re a serious gamer you have probably never even heard of our main game, much less played …

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