MTG’s Best Blue Tutors for Commander

Intuition MTG card

In a singleton format like Commander, where you’re only allowed to play 1 copy of any card that isn’t a basic land instead of 4, you’re often forced to look for alternate means of redundancy when tuning your deck to help it run more consistently. Periodically, you’ll be able to run 2 functionally identical cards …

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War Caster 5E: DnD Feat Guide

war caster wizard

There are some feats that are just always on the short lists of certain builds in D&D. Ranged weapons users will take Sharpshooter, trouble makers will take Fey Touched, and monks who don’t know what they’re doing will take Athlete over Mobile. For some reason. 5E’s War Caster feat is one of the premium feats …

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Why Are My Crops Randomly Dying in Stardew Valley?

Stardew Valley withered crops

One of the biggest frustrations with Stardew Valley, or any other farm-sim game, is when you come out of the house in the morning to find yourself face-to-face with a field of dead crops. Things were going so well – what happened? Many players are surprised to learn that crops can rot, wither, and die …

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Weapon Master 5E: DnD Feat Guide

medieval weapons and shield

Who wouldn’t want to be a weapon master? That sounds like the type of a feat that a fighter or other martial class would leap at, right? Who doesn’t want to master even more weapons? While the name of the weapon master feat sounds great, unfortunately that’s the last part of this feat that is …

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Sushi Go Party Game Strategy Guide

Sushi Go Party! board game

Variable menus, new types of cards, and familiar card drafting come together to make Sushi Go Party! an enticing upgrade to the standard Sushi Go! tin. While the base Sushi Go! game is great (check it out on Board Game Arena if you haven’t treated yourself yet), the party edition adds layers of depth and …

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Tavern Brawler 5E: DnD Feat Guide

two men bare knuckle boxing

Tavern Brawler is a 5E feat that I love far more than what the final grade is going to be. This is a feat that focuses heavily on certain types of characters, the roleplay, and adding a little extra to make way for those glorious side moments off the beaten path of the main storyline. …

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Spell Sniper 5E: DnD Feat Guide

caster sitting in field

Spell sniper is a very popular 5th Edition D&D feat that should be a high priority to any full casting class that finds them relying on an array of attack spells that require a roll. Spell sniper offers some very specific benefits that many spellcasters are going to find useful. And warlocks, arguably, will find …

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