Skulker 5E: DnD Feat Guide

Night Skulking Thief

Skulker is one of those niche feats that is clearly designed for one or two classes, but has some benefits that other niche or specialized builds might find useful. This can often be overlooked, in part because it is so clearly aimed at Rangers and Rogues, but if those were the only classes to look …

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Healing Word 5E: DnD Spell Guide

Healing Word

Darkness fell on the druids’ grove, and the orcs attacked soon after. Skirmishes were intense, with shapeshifters and beast masters fighting tooth and claw to hold every inch of the sacred area they had called home for so long. The elder was seemingly waging three battles at once with her magic, giving her allies the …

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Complete DnD 5E Medium Armor Guide

female viking in medium armor

Medium Armor tends to be that problem child of the armor types in 5th Edition DnD. There are many builds that make amazing use of light armor and Dexterity bonuses, as well as the tanks of fighters and paladins who love heavy armor…as does virtually every cleric who has the ability to upgrade to heavy …

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Skill Expert 5E: DnD Feat Guide

sneaky stealthy seal rogue

Skill Expert is a wonderful 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons feat that is not only versatile but offers surprising strength and roleplaying opportunities in the right circumstances. Take the following story as an example of why the 5E Skill Expert feat can rock: Jovially the bard laughs before accepting more free drinks, her performance unequalled …

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Shadow Touched 5E DnD Feat Guide

hand on shadow skull

Much like the wonderful “Fey Touched” feat that was also introduced in Tasha’s, the Shadow Touched feat is a great addition to 5E that provides remarkable flexibility, great flavor text, and some strong benefits that work with a wide variety of classes and builds. I love feats that are strong, versatile, AND add in serious …

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Cure Wounds 5E: DnD Spell Guide

Cure wounds spell effect

The battle had only lasted a couple minutes, but the bodies around the barbarian were only outnumbered by the cuts, bruises, and other wounds scattered across his body. As the fury of battle faded, the pain of these injuries replaced it, and the wounded warrior began to stagger back to his companions for aid. Looking …

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