Unqualified Experts #1: Top 5 Low Level D&D Utility Spells

Gamers talking D&D Spells

Launching YouTube shows was something we thought about doing eventually, and though Phil & Heather kicked it off with their awesome Table for Two series – Braden and Shane weren’t far behind with a very different show of their own. Unqualified Experts seemed a fitting name for these two knowledgeable fellows who always seem to …

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Krok the Phisosopher: My Introduction to Pathfinder

Pathfinder Core Rulebook

My first introduction into tabletop role playing came from Braden when he ran one of his favorite campaigns a friend in his old group ran, converted for the new 5th Edition of D&D which had just been recently released. While 5E was my first foray into the world of role playing games, it wasn’t long …

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9 Most Underrated Utility Spells in D&D 5E

Utility Spell Video Screenshot

The sheer variety of different spells and casting styles in 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons gives players plenty of options when it comes to molding their casters. While offensive magic and healing magic are pretty self-explanatory, and most players have their favorites (Hello Fireball!), you could argue the real shape of your caster’s personality …

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D&D 5th Edition House Rules: Pros, Cons, & Our Table

Dungeons and Dragons 5th Ed Core Books

The 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons has done more for gaming and the tabletop RPG industry than any other entry in recent memory. The gameplay and management have been streamlined elegantly without becoming the number crunch of 3rd edition, but there’s still plenty of freedom for players and Dungeon Masters to create unique characters …

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Game Night Goes Digital!

boardgamearena screenshot

No question that we’re going to miss the game nights. Because several of us in the group either have medical issues that make Covid-19 (Coronavirus) very dangerous to us and some of our relatives we’re caretakers for, we were watching this really closely even before things really ramped up. We hoped to have one more …

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