Heavy Armor Master 5E: DnD Feat Guide

heavy armored knight in woods

The Heavy Armor Master feat is one that a lot of D&D players swear by and even build their character around. If you’re a player who loves clerics, fighters, and paladins then you are probably very familiar with this one. The heavy armor master feat is a strong 5th edition feat that not only boosts …

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Unqualified Experts #39: Beginner Poker Playing Tips

Poker players at table

Saying Callahan and Shane have lived interesting lives would be an understatement, to say the least. Both made a full-time living playing poker at one point, so we thought, why not harness that knowledge and experience to put together some interesting episodes on playing poker? So our two biggest resident trouble makers are the stars …

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Heavily Armored 5E: DnD Feat Guide

suit of armor knight

Heavily Armored is a feat that isn’t sexy and seems pretty basic. For many classes it simply is unnecessary, which is another reason why it gets a bit of a bad rap. So is this feat one of the weaker choices? Is it situational only? When should a player look at heavily armored (not to …

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